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Thematic Theater Workshops for FLINTA* Feminists  

Thursday, 06.04 / Thursday, 20.04 / Thursday, 11.05  / Thursday, 25.05 / Thursday, 15.06  (each 18:30)

​To Spiti- Beratung-Begegung-Beteiligung Morusstraße 18A, 12053 Berlin

In this participatory workshop series, participants explore diverse topics from an intersectional feminist perspective. 


Participation is free, places are limited. 

Registration is open to FLINTA* folks at:


The workshop will be mainly held in English. The facilitators speak German and Greek too.


Participation is possible on one, several or all dates:

Gender Self-Awareness – 06.04.23

A lively theater workshop around alternative, non-heteronormative gender roles and expressions. Through movement, play, and methods of Theater of the Oppressed, we will reflect on gender and take our bodies through a journey of discovery. Wanna join us?

Keep me safe(r) – 20.04.23

A safe(r) space is a supportive, non-threatening physical and emotional environment, in which all participants feel free to express themselves and share experiences without fear of judgment or discrimination. The term safe(r) indicates that safety is relative: not everyone feels safe under the same conditions. The need to establish and maintain safe(r) spaces is often overlooked or underestimated. What makes each of us feel safe? How can we contribute collectively and individually to the creation and maintenance of safe(r) spaces? How is privilege relating to such processes? Let’s discover together!

Drag Kings on the making (Part 1) – 11.05.23

In this workshop, we are going to approach the performativity of gender through the art of drag. The art of Drag is the art of disobedience, rebellion, and freedom. Born in the queer communities and inspired by pop culture, drag is a DIY transdisciplinary artistic practice. In the first part of the workshop, we are going to explore the spectrum of maleness and experiment with masculinity. The participants will work on the creation of a drag king character/alter ego using a variety of methods such as creative writing, somatic expression and movement.


Drag Kings on the making (Part 2) – 25.05.23

In the second part we are going deeper into our character, playing with make - up techniques and preparing our own number. At the end of the workshop, each participant has the chance to present a small performance (lip sync or other). It is time to create our own Drag Show and celebrate gender expression!


Reversing the male gaze – 15.06.23

Theater and performative arts in general have been historically created and viewed through a western patriarchal lense. Using examples of well-known art, (paintings, film, images, dramatic text)  we explore the male gaze. How is femininity and masculinity being presented? Are we able to recognise the male gaze in this? 

During the workshop, we will reproduce these artistic pieces from our perspective, creating a FLINTA* feminist gaze.



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Buzukqueerie: a Mediterranean Drag Show

Coming on December 2023
















"Buzukqueerie: a mediterranean Drag Show" is inspired by popular ways of entertainment in the Balkan region and countries around the Mediterranean sea, where there is live music and show. In Greece, for example, they are known as “buzukia”, very popular live music venues with a "trash" character. Similar forms also exist in Turkey and Arab countries. This drag show offers a similar kind of celebration for the community and give a platform for migrant, refugee and BIPOC FLINTA* drag performers (with both previous experience or without




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