Workshop Series
Drag Kings on the making (Part 1) - 31.05.24, 6-9pm
In this workshop we are going to approach the performativity of gender through the art of drag. The art of Drag is the art of disobedience, rebellion and freedom. Born in the queer communities and inspired by pop culture, drag is a DIY transdisciplinary artistic practice. In the first part of the workshop we are going to explore the spectrum of maleness and experiment with masculinity. The participants will work on the creation of a drag king/ quing/creture character using a variety of methods such as creative writing, somatic expression and movement.
Drag Kings on the making (Part 2) - 01.06.24, 2-6pm
In the second part we are going deeper in our character, playing with make up techniques and preparing our own number. At the end of the workshop each participant has the chance to present a small performance (lip sync or other). It is time to create our own Drag Show and celebrate gender expression!
Gender Self-Awareness - 12.06.24, 6-9pm
A lively theater workshop around alternative, non-heteronormative gender roles and expressions. Through movement, play, and methods of Theater of the Oppressed, we will reflect on gender and take our bodies through a journey of discovery. Wanna join us?
Keep me safe(r) - 19.06.24, 6-9pm
A safe(r) space is a supportive, non-threatening physical and emotional environment, in which all participants feel free to express themselves and share experiences without fear of judgment or discrimination. The term safe(r) indicates that safety is relative: not everyone feels safe under the same conditions. The need to establish and maintain safe(r) spaces is often overlooked or underestimated. What makes each of us feel safe? How can we contribute collectively and individually to the creation and maintenance of safe(r) spaces? How is privilege relating to such processes? Let’s discover together!
Reversing the cis-male gaze - 26.06.24, 6-9pm
Theater and performative arts in general have been historically created and viewed through a western patriarchical lense. Using examples of well-known art, (paintings, film, images, dramatic text) we explore the male gaze. How is femininity and masculinity being presented? Are we able to recognise the male gaze in this? During the workshop we will reproduce this artistic pieces from our perspective, creating a FLINTA* feminist gaze.
The workshop will be mainly held in English. Facilitators speak German and Greek too.
Feminist Workshops for FLINTA* Folks
Are you in the mood for feminist creative workshops? Do you want to come together in empowering ways, reflect and experiment with movement, impro and make-up?
Then you’re welcome to join our stand-alone feminist workshops for FLINTA* folks up to 27 yo.
We will colectively explore the topics of: drag performance, gender self-awareness, feeling safe(r) and the cis-male gaze from an intersectional feminist perspective. Priority will be given to BIPoC, immigrants and folks with multiple discrimination experience.
You can join the workshop that you are interested in or join all of them! Participation is free, just make sure you register at info@interfem.org
Community Care
for Women* and Femininities
Processing grief through art
When? Sat 25.05.24 | Mon 27.05.24 | Sat 01.06.24 | Mon 03.06.24 | Sat 08.06.24 | Mon 10.06.24
between 14:00 and 17:00.
Where? At the Buch library
How? Multilingual workshops. Participation is free of charge. You should be there on all dates because they are connected :)
How to register?
By email to info@interfem.org
or by online form:
and paper form: at Bibliothek Buch, BerTa, Buch and Karow in Bewegung.
Registrations open until 20.05.24
Who? All women* and feminities are welcome. Especially welcome are people of different bodies, ages, sexual orientations,
people with a history of migration or discrimination.
Have you experienced a loss that you feel is not processed?
Have you lost a favorite person? Have you had to leave your home? Has an important relationship come to an end? Have you said goodbye to ideas or dreams?
You are not alone.
In this workshop we want to talk about loss and grieve together: through creative methods such as painting and drawing, crafts, ceramics, movement, theater, improvisation and creative writing.
Gina Farrow, theater maker, and Dimitra Theodoridou, art therapist, will accompany a group of women* and feminities through this creative process.
BUZUKQUEERIE: a Mediterrenean Drag Show
WHEN? Friday 14.06.24 Saturday 13.07.24 Saturday 28.09.24
WHERE? Bavul Kunst und Kultur Cafe, Annenstr. 13 , 10179 Berlin
Check our instagram page for future shows

Buzukqueerie is a place where trash meets resistance, full of music from the mediterranean region, flowers, dance, gender expression, care and community strengthening. Buzukia are live music places, with a special cult character and rituals, such as guests throwing flowers at the singers, to show their appreciation and elevate the buzukia experience.
Our Buzukia are queer, feisty and unapologetic, a place where we celebrate and empower each other.
The show series are hosted by
Buzukgina Laboba and Alexander the Dick.
The guests are fellow drag kings, queens, quings and creatures that responded to our open call to join the shows.
Let’s come together at the Buzukqueerie, let’s dance together, sing together, get to know each other. Let us cultivate hope and care in this special drag show series.
Because together we are stronger!
We offer a range of anti-discrimimation and gender training for groups, companies, trainers, tailored to your needs.
Please contact us for further information.
FLINTA* Empowerment Workshop
Duration: 3 hours
Format: online and in person
Where and how do I feel comfortable? What does empowerment mean for me as a FLINTA* person? How can the community support me? Is it art or can it help me? We will answer such questions together in a cosy round. We look forward to seeing you!
Gina Farrow (she/they), performing artist, director and educator with focus on anti- discrimination and activism. They have been based in Berlin since 2010. Gina is an intersectional feminist with influences from Judith Butler, Paul. B. Preciado and Audre Lorde. In 2022 Gina co-founded the association InterFem Collective
Playing with words and colours
Duration: 3 hours
Format: online and in person
Would you like to play with words and colours in a relaxed atmosphere without pressure and performance requirements? Then you've come to the right place!
Under the guidance of Maria Karamoutsiou, participants will have the opportunity to produce short texts and poems within two hours using creative writing methods. At the end, the process will be reflected with a joint painting activity. The workshop will be conducted in German, with the possibility of asking questions in English or Greek.
The writing language may be freely chosen. No previous knowledge is necessary, just a willingness to experiment.
Maria Karamoutsiou is founder of InterFem Collective, director, performer, and dancer and has many years of experience in working with communities.